Código: 8720774
Formatos: 12 x 946 mL

ENVIROCARE DLC drain line cleaner is a mixture of specially selected high performance bacterial strains and biodegradable surfactants formulated to degrade fats, oils, food-related greases, and general organic buildup in grease traps and graywater drain lines. The surfactants provide added detergency and cleaning power. When used regularly for preventative maintenance, ENVIROCARE DLC effectively eliminates odors and organic build-up in shower and galley drains and pipes as well as in pulper systems. Consistent use of ENVIROCARE DLC will result in free-flowing, clean, odorless drains/pipes. For drains/pipes blocked with ex- tensive organic build-up, owing to the required contact time for bacteria to be effective, a pre-cleaning with an alkaline cleaner, such as LAC, is recommended prior to initial dosage of ENVIROCARE DLC.

In accommodation spaces, ENVIROCARE DLC can be used in deck drains, galley sinks, grease traps, shower drains, sinks, and pulpers to maintain free-flowing pipes and to prevent odors. Its mild, non-toxic, profile makes it a sound choice for use in accommodation spaces.

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